Experimental evidence of a ν(1d5/2)2 component to the 12Be ground state

S. D. Pain, W. N. Catford, N. A. Orr, J. C. Angelique, N. I. Ashwood, V. Bouchat, N. M. Clarke, N. Curtis, M. Freer, B. R. Fulton, F. Hanappe, M. Labiche, J. L. Lecouey, R. C. Lemmon, D. Mahboub, A. Ninane, G. Normand, N. Soić, L. Stuttge, C. N. TimisJ. A. Tostevin, J. S. Winfield, V. Ziman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Data have been obtained on exclusive single neutron knockout cross sections from 12Be to study its ground state structure. Preliminary cross sections for the first (0.32 MeV, 1/2-) and second (1.78 MeV, 5/2+, unbound) excited states in 11Be have been obtained, giving evidence of significant admixtures of both ν(1p1/2) 2 and ν(1d5/2)2 configurations in the ground state of 12Be.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)349-351
Number of pages3
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
StatePublished - Sep 2005
Externally publishedYes


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