Experimental and simulation study of self-assembly and adsorption of glycerol monooleate in n-dodecane with varying water content onto iron oxide

Alexander J. Armstrong, Rui F.G. Apóstolo, Thomas M. McCoy, Finian J. Allen, James Doutch, Beatrice N. Cattoz, Peter J. Dowding, Rebecca J.L. Welbourn, Alexander F. Routh, Philip J. Camp

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The self-assembly and surface adsorption of glycerol monooleate (GMO) in n-dodecane are studied using a combination of experimental and molecular dynamics simulation techniques. The self-assembly of GMO to form reverse micelles, with and without added water, is studied using small-angle neutron scattering and simulations. A large-scale simulation is also used to investigate the self-assembly kinetics. GMO adsorption onto iron oxide is studied using depletion isotherms, neutron reflectometry, and simulations. The adsorbed amounts of GMO, and any added water, are determined experimentally, and the structures of the adsorbed films are investigated using reflectometry. Detailed fitting and analysis of the reflectometry measurements are presented, taking into account various factors such as surface roughness, and the presence of impurities. The reflectometry measurements are complemented by molecular dynamics simulations, and good consistency between both approaches is demonstrated by direct comparison of measured and simulated reflectivity and scattering length density profiles. The results of this analysis are that in dry systems, GMO adsorbs as self-assembled reverse micelles with some molecules adsorbing directly to the surface through the polar head groups, while in wet systems, the GMO is adsorbed onto a thin layer of water. Only at high surface coverage is some water trapped inside a reverse-micelle structure; at lower surface coverages, the GMO molecules associate primarily with the water layer, rather than self-assemble.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1952-1970
Number of pages19
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 21 2023
Externally publishedYes


This work was supported by Infineum UK Ltd through a PhD studentship to AJA, and research fellowships to AJA, RFGA, and TMMcC. TMMcC acknowledges the support of the Ernest Oppenheimer Fund through provision of an Oppenheimer Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge. The neutron reflectometry data were analysed using the computing resources provided by STFC Scientific Computing Department's SCARF cluster. The authors gratefully acknowledge STFC for the peer-review access to the INTER neutron reflectometer at ISIS (https://doi.org/10.5286/ISIS.E.RB1920367). The authors thank Zlatko Saracevic for conducting the N2 BET sorption analysis. This work used the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service (https://www.archer2.ac.uk). RFGA and PJC thank Dr Julien Sindt for help with benchmarking, testing, and monitoring the 2-million-atom simulation on ARCHER2, and the Nvidia Corporation for the donation of Titan Xp and Titan V GPUs used in the research. The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive comments. This work was supported by Infineum UK Ltd through a PhD studentship to AJA, and research fellowships to AJA, RFGA, and TMMcC. TMMcC acknowledges the support of the Ernest Oppenheimer Fund through provision of an Oppenheimer Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge. The neutron reflectometry data were analysed using the computing resources provided by STFC Scientific Computing Department's SCARF cluster. The authors gratefully acknowledge STFC for the peer-review access to the INTER neutron reflectometer at ISIS ( https://doi.org/10.5286/ISIS.E.RB1920367 ). The authors thank Zlatko Saracevic for conducting the N BET sorption analysis. This work used the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service ( https://www.archer2.ac.uk ). RFGA and PJC thank Dr Julien Sindt for help with benchmarking, testing, and monitoring the 2-million-atom simulation on ARCHER2, and the Nvidia Corporation for the donation of Titan Xp and Titan V GPUs used in the research. The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive comments. 2

FundersFunder number
Ernest Oppenheimer Fund
Infineum UK Ltd
Science and Technology Facilities Council
University of Cambridge


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