Evolution of pores in the fuel cladding of the electrogenerating channel

I. V. Vasil’ev, A. S. Ivanov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The results of reactor tests of carbonitride fuel in a monocrystalline cladding from a molybdenum-based alloy that were carried out earlier on an experimental setup Ya-82 for 8 to 300 h at a temperature of ∼1500°C can be used in order to prove the operational reliability of fuel elements in the design of a megawatt nuclear power plant for a spacecraft. A raster image of the surface of a sample of cladding shows that the interfaces between the layers are decorated by pores. This result is explained in this work by the theory of coalescence. The mechanisms responsible for the evolution of pores taking place at the parameters of a Ya-82 setup are considered. The effect of decoration by pores of the interfaces between the layers of a sample of cladding of the electrogenerating channel by carrying out reactor tests is explained. The dependence of the average radius of pores on the duration of the experiment is obtained. An evaluation of the average sizes of pores arising under the conditions of the experiment gives a value of ∼2 μm, which is in agreement with the experimental data. A computational study of swelling of the cladding material in the process of irradiation is performed. Predictive estimates of the behavior of the porous system and swelling of the cladding material for a megawatt class nuclear power plant are made.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1624-1627
Number of pages4
JournalPhysics of Atomic Nuclei
Issue number13
StatePublished - Dec 17 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • coalescence
  • electrogenerating channel
  • material swelling under irradiation
  • pores


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