Evolution of an arched magnetized laboratory plasma in a sheared magnetic field

Kamil D. Sklodowski, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Troy Carter

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3 Scopus citations


Arched magnetized structures are a common occurrence in space and laboratory plasmas. Results from a laboratory experiment on spatio-temporal evolution of an arched magnetized plasma (β ≈ 103, Lundquist number ≈ 104, plasma radius/ion gyroradius ≈ 20) in a sheared magnetic configuration are presented. The experiment is designed to model conditions relevant to the formation and destabilization of similar structures in the solar atmosphere. The magnitude of a nearly horizontal overlying magnetic field was varied to study its effects on the writhe and twist of the arched plasma. In addition, the direction of the guiding magnetic field along the arch was varied to investigate its role in the formation of either forward- or reverse-S shaped plasma structures. The electrical current in the arched plasma was well below the current required to make it kink unstable. A significant increase in the writhe of the arched plasma was observed with larger magnitudes of overlying magnetic field. A forward-S shaped arched plasma was observed for a guiding magnetic field oriented nearly antiparallel to the initial arched plasma current, while the parallel orientation yielded the reverse-S shaped arched plasma.

Original languageEnglish
Article number905870616
JournalJournal of Plasma Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 10 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • astrophysical plasmas
  • plasma diagnostics
  • plasma dynamics


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