Evidence for long formation times of near-barrier fusion reactions

M. Thoennessen, J. R. Beene, F. E. Bertrand, C. Baktash, M. L. Halbert, D. J. Horen, D. G. Sarantities, W. Spang, D. W. Stracener

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

58 Scopus citations


High energy γ rays from the decay of the giant dipole resonance built on highly excited states in Yb164 at Eex=49 MeV formed in two different reactions have been measured. While standard statistical model calculations can describe the γ-ray spectrum from the O16 + Sm148 reaction they fail to reproduce the γ-ray spectra from the more symmetric reaction Ni64 + Mo100. Simple model calculations which include particle evaporation and γ-ray decay during the formation process suggest that the observed differences may be related to a long fusion time in the more symmetric reaction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4055-4058
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number26
StatePublished - 1993


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