Evaluation of the Effect of Impregnated Platinum on PFSA Degradation for PEM Fuel Cells

Marianne P. Rodgers, Benjamin P. Pearman, Leonard J. Bonville, Nahid Mohajeri, Darlene K. Slattery, David A. Cullen

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16 Scopus citations


One of the main sources of membrane degradation in fuel cells is attack by radicals formed wherever Pt, H2, and O2 are present. The effect of Pt precipitated in the membrane is under debate. Although Pt can provide another site for radical formation, it can also scavenge hydrogen peroxide and radicals in the membrane and improve durability. In this work, the effects of Pt particles within the membrane are evaluated and related to membrane degradation. Membranes were ex situ impregnated with 0, 10, 30, and 50mol% Pt and then tested for 100 h in a fuel cell, at 90°C/100% relative humidity. The highest degradation was observed with the membranes containing 10 mol% Pt, with fluoride emissions of the same magnitude as those of catalyst coated membranes containing Pt/C. Membranes containing 0, 30, and 50 mol% Pt resulted in very low fluoride emission. The high degradation in the 10 mol% membrane was attributed to the low density of platinum particles, which allows generated radicals to attack the membrane before being deactivated. In the 30 mol% and 50 mol% membranes, where the platinum particles were denser, the generated radicals became deactivated on neighboring particles before they attacked the membrane.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)F1123-F1128
JournalJournal of the Electrochemical Society
Issue number10
StatePublished - Jan 2013


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