Error analysis of a stochastic collocation method for parabolic partial differential equations with random input data

Guannan Zhang, Max Gunzburger

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34 Scopus citations


A stochastic collocation method for solving linear parabolic partial differential equations with random coefficients, forcing terms, and initial conditions is analyzed. The input data are assumed to depend on a finite number of random variables. Unlike previous analyses, a wider range of situations are considered, including input data that depend nonlinearly on the random variables and random variables that are correlated or even unbounded. We provide a rigorous convergence analysis and demonstrate the exponential decay of the interpolation error in the probability space for both finite element semidiscrete spatial discretizations and for finite element, Crank-Nicolson fully discrete space-time discretizations. Ingredients in the convergence analysis include the proof of the analyticity, with respect to the probabilistic parameters, of the semidiscrete and fully discrete approximate solutions. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the analyses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1922-1940
Number of pages19
JournalSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Collocation method
  • Exponential convergence
  • Finite element method
  • Random coefficients
  • Random initial data
  • Stochastic parabolic partial differential equations
  • Uncertainty quantification


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