Erratum: The European spallation source design (Physica Scripta (2018) 93 (014001) DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/aa9bff)

Roland Garoby, A. Vergara, H. Danared, I. Alonso, E. Bargallo, B. Cheymol, C. Darve, M. Eshraqi, H. Hassanzadegan, A. Jansson, I. Kittelmann, Y. Levinsen, M. Lindroos, C. Martins, Midttun, R. Miyamoto, S. Molloy, D. Phan, A. Ponton, E. SargsyanT. Shea, A. Sunesson, L. Tchelidze, C. Thomas, M. Jensen, W. Hees, P. Arnold, M. Juni-Ferreira, F. Jensen, A. Lundmark, N. Gazis, J. Weisend, M. Anthony, E. Pitcher, L. Coney, M. Göhran, J. Haines, R. Linander, D. Lyngh, U. Oden, H. Carling, R. Andersson, S. Birch, J. Cereijo, T. Friedrich, T. Korhonen, E. Laface, M. Mansouri-Sharifabad, A. Monera-Martinez, A. Nordt, D. Paulic, D. Piso, S. Regnell, M. Zaera-Sanz, M. Aberg, K. Breimer, K. Batkov, Y. Lee, L. Zanini, M. Kickulies, Y. Bessler, J. Ringnér, J. Jurns, A. Sadeghzadeh, P. Nilsson, M. Olsson, J. E. Presteng, H. Carlsson, A. Polato, J. Harborn, K. Sjögreen, G. Muhrer, F. Sordo

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9 Scopus citations


There are a number of corrections that should be noted. Nevertheless, the scientific content discussed in the paper is not affected by these corrections. Page 1: Revised author list. A number of authors who contributed to the paper were missing in the author list. Antonio Vergara has been added as the article editor. Finally, one authors name was also misspelled in the author list and is corrected. The list of missing authors and the corrected authors name are detailed in the relevant sections of this article. Page 4: Modification of texts. The second sentence in the first paragraph of section 3 Timeline should be modified. The modified text is written in italic font below.

Original languageEnglish
Article number129501
JournalPhysica Scripta
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes

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