Erratum: Spin dynamics in antiferromagnetic oxypnictides and fluoropnictides: LaMnAsO, LaMnSbO, and BaMnAsF (Physical Review B (2020) 101 (155119) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.155119)

Farhan Islam, Elijah Gordon, Pinaki Das, Yong Liu, Liqin Ke, Douglas L. Abernathy, Robert J. McQueeney, David Vaknin

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The values of dc in Table II of the main text in the original paper should be amended with the corrected values listed in Table I. As a result, part (c) of Fig. 10 in the main text of our paper depicting the trend in |SJc| as a function of dc, and its associated caption should be ignored. Moreover, the last line in the Conclusion section of the main text in our paper-"In addition, Fig. 10(c) shows a significant decrease in |Jc| as the spacing between adjacent MnPn layers increases"-should be ignored. TABLE I. List of exchange parameters SJi , single-ion anisotropy SDc, in-planeMn-Mn NN distance dNN, and distance dc between adjacent Mn-Mn along the c axis in various systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number239904
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number23
StatePublished - Jun 15 2023


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