Erratum: An orphan gene BOOSTER enhances photosynthetic efficiency and plant productivity (Developmental Cell, (S1534580724006671), (10.1016/j.devcel.2024.11.002))

Biruk A. Feyissa, Elsa M. de Becker, Coralie E. Salesse-Smith, Mengjun Shu, Jin Zhang, Timothy B. Yates, Meng Xie, Kuntal De, Dhananjay Gotarkar, Margot S.S. Chen, Sara S. Jawdy, Dana L. Carper, Kerrie Barry, Jeremy Schmutz, David J. Weston, Paul E. Abraham, Chung Jui Tsai, Jennifer L. Morrell-Falvey, Gail Taylor, Jin Gui ChenGerald A. Tuskan, Stephen P. Long, Steven J. Burgess, Wellington Muchero

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


(Developmental Cell 60, 1–12.e1–e7; March 10, 2025) This post-publication authorship change is for adding Mengjun Shu as the 4th author (with affiliations 1 and 2) in the author list of the publication by Feyissa et al. (2024) in Developmental Cell ( Mengjun Shu's name was mistakenly omitted from the author list in the publication and has now been added to the author list, and the Author contributions section has been updated. Mengjun Shu contributed to the GWAS work including results presented in Figure 1A and Figure S1F that led to the discovery of the BOOSTER gene. This change does not impact any scientific conclusions made in the publication. Please note the following change to the Author contributions section: GWAS and chlorophyll analysis, B.A.F., E.M.d.B., D.G., J.Z., M.S., T.B.Y., S.J.B., and W.M.; physiological analysis, B.A.F., D.J.W., E.M.d.B., D.G., C.E.S.-S., S.J.B., J.-G.C., and W.M.; subcellular localization, B.A.F., K.D., and M.X.; RNA-seq, B.A.F., S.S.J., K.B., and J.S.; transgenic plant generation, B.A.F., M.S.S.C., and C.-J.T.; project management, G.T., J.-G.C., G.A.T., S.P.L., S.J.B., and W.M.; writing – original draft, B.A.F.; writing – review & editing, B.A.F., E.M.d.B., C.E.S.-S., J.Z., T.B.Y., M.X., K.D., D.G., M.S.S.C., S.S.J., D.L.C., K.B., J.S., D.J.W., P.E.A., C.-J.T., J.L.M.-F., G.T., J.-G.C., G.A.T., S.P.L., S.J.B., and W.M.

Original languageEnglish
JournalDevelopmental Cell
StateAccepted/In press - 2025


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