Ergodic magnetic limiter experiments on TEXT with a 7 3 resonance

J. S. deGrassie, N. Ohyabu, N. H. Brooks, K. W. Gentle, R. Bengston, R. Bravenec, W. Hodge, T. Kochanski, K. Nelin, P. Phillips, T. Price, B. Richards, C. Ritz, W. Rowan, S. B. Kim, C. Klepper, S. Levinson, K. Leung, J. Porter, J. Snipes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


The ergodic magnetic limiter coils on TEXT have been reconfigured to produce the primary helical perturbation resonance at m = 7 n = 3. The experiments continue to demonstrate that the weak resonant perturbations modify the edge conditions in keeping with model predictions. We observe a reduction in the intrinsic impurity levels accompanying the helical current pulse, presumably the result of a reduction in the electron temperature in the edge. Heat follows the perturbed field lines to the limiter, generating heat load patterns which reflect the geometry of a magnetic island-limiter intersection. A strong spatial modulation of the electron density in the scrape-off-layer also reflects the helical mode structure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)266-270
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue numberC
StatePublished - Dec 1984
Externally publishedYes


This work is supportedb y USDOE Contract No. DE-ATO3-84ERS1044.W e thank F.W. McClain for assistancein magneticf ield line computationsa nd ac-knowledgem any helpful discussionsw ith H. Ikezi and T. Taylor.


  • Langmuir probe
  • TEXT
  • ergodic magnetic limiter


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