Enhanced covalency and nanostructured-phonon scattering lead to high thermoelectric performance in n-type PbS

Ekashmi Rathore, Rinkle Juneja, Debattam Sarkar, Subhajit Roychowdhury, Maiko Kofu, Kenji Nakajima, Abhishek K. Singh, Kanishka Biswas

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18 Scopus citations


High thermoelectric performance can be achieved either by tuning the electronic structure or by enhancement in scattering the heat-carrying phonons, which often affect each other. Thereby, a leap in the performance can be achieved by simultaneous modulation of electronic structure and lowering of thermal conductivity. Herein, we demonstrate a high thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) of 1.45 at 900 K for Ge doped (4–10 mol%) n-type PbS, which is the one of the highest values among all n-type PbS-based thermoelectric materials. This high performance is achieved by simultaneous (a) enhancement of covalency in chemical bonding which increases the electrical conductivity, and (b) reduction of lattice thermal conductivity (κlat) to an ultra-low value of 0.56 W m1K1 at 900 K by the introduction of nanometer-sized (5–10 nm) precipitates of Pb2GeS4 in PbS matrix which strongly scatter the heat-carrying phonons. The presence of low-lying transverse acoustic (TA) and longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonon modes at 48.24 cm1 and 91.83 cm1, respectively are experimentally revealed from inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments. The softening of low-frequency modes at a higher temperature and ultra-short phonon lifetime (1–4.5 ps) further explain the ultra-low κlat. Electron localization function (ELF) analysis confirms chemical bonding hierarchy and increased covalent bonding due to the presence of Ge in PbS. The increase in bond covalency upon Ge doping in n-type PbS weakens electron–phonon coupling, thereby increasing the electrical transport.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100953
JournalMaterials Today Energy
StatePublished - Mar 2022
Externally publishedYes


We acknowledge the DST-BRICS project (DST/IMRD/BRICS/BNEAT/2018G). K.B. acknowledges financial support from Swarnajayanti fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) ( SB/SJF/2019-20/06 ), and Department of Science & Technology (DST) ( DST/SJF/CSA-02/2018-19 ), India. K.B. and E.R. thank DST-Synchroton-Neutron project ( SR/NM/Z-072015 ) for financial support for Neutron Experiment. DS thanks to CSIR for fellowship. INS experiments were accomplished at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF), J-PARC under user program (AMATERAS proposal no. 2019B0042). E.R. thanks JNCASR for fellowship. R.J. and A.K.S. acknowledge DST Nanomission, the India-Korea Joint Programme of Cooperation in Science and Technology, the Institute of Eminence (IoE) scheme of The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. R.J. and A.K.S. acknowledge Theoretical Unit of Excellence and Supercomputer Education and Research Center (SERC), IISc for providing the computational facilities. We acknowledge the DST-BRICS project (DST/IMRD/BRICS/BNEAT/2018G). K.B. acknowledges financial support from Swarnajayanti fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) (SB/SJF/2019-20/06), and Department of Science & Technology (DST) (DST/SJF/CSA-02/2018-19), India. K.B. and E.R. thank DST-Synchroton-Neutron project (SR/NM/Z-072015) for financial support for Neutron Experiment. DS thanks to CSIR for fellowship. INS experiments were accomplished at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF), J-PARC under user program (AMATERAS proposal no. 2019B0042). E.R. thanks JNCASR for fellowship. R.J. and A.K.S. acknowledge DST Nanomission, the India-Korea Joint Programme of Cooperation in Science and Technology, the Institute of Eminence (IoE) scheme of The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. R.J. and A.K.S. acknowledge Theoretical Unit of Excellence and Supercomputer Education and Research Center (SERC), IISc for providing the computational facilities.


  • Bonding heterogeneity
  • Inelastic neutron scattering
  • Lead sulfide
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Thermoelectrics


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