Energy-dependent photoelectron angular distributions of two-color two-photon above threshold ionization of atomic helium

Louis H. Haber, Benjamin Doughty, Stephen R. Leone

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24 Scopus citations


Energy-dependent photoelectron angular distributions from two-color two-photon above threshold ionizations are investigated to determine the partial-wave characteristics of free-free electronic transitions in helium. Sideband photoelectron energies ranging from 0.18 to 13.0 eV are measured with different wavelengths of the perturbative infrared dressing field as well as different individually selected high-order harmonics. Using the experimentally measured cross-section ratios and anisotropy parameters together with analytical expressions derived from second-order perturbation theory, the partial-wave branching fractions going to the S and D waves in the positive and negative sidebands are determined as a function of photoelectron kinetic energy. The results provide a sensitive test for theoretical models of two-color two-photon above threshold ionization in atoms and molecules.

Original languageEnglish
Article number013416
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 21 2011
Externally publishedYes


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