Emergent electronic and magnetic state in Ca3Ru 2O7 induced by Ti doping

X. Ke, J. Peng, D. J. Singh, Tao Hong, Wei Tian, C. R. Dela Cruz, Z. Q. Mao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


We report an emergent electronic and magnetic state in the bilayer ruthenate Ca3Ru2O7 upon doping with a small concentration of Ti on the Ru sites. In contrast to a quasi-two-dimensional metallic state in Ca3Ru2O7, which has an antiferromagnetic (AF) state formed by ferromagnetic (F) bilayers stacked antiferromagnetically along the c-axis, we find an insulating ground state with a "G"-type nearest-neighbor AF order in Ca3(Ru 1-xTix)2O7 for x 0.03. The close proximity of these two distinct electronic and magnetic states demonstrates unique competing magnetic interactions in Ca3Ru2O 7, which provides a rare opportunity to investigate the interplay between correlated metal physics and Mott physics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number201102
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number20
StatePublished - Nov 4 2011


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