Electronic inhomogeneity and possible pseudogap behavior of spin susceptibility in the electron-doped superconductor Sr0.93la0.07CuO2:63Cu NMR study

S. Verkhovskii, K. Mikhalev, A. Gerashenko, Y. Piskunov, V. Kazantsev, V. Bobrovskii, E. Mitberg, A. Podlesnyak, A. Mirmelstein

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The magnetic susceptibility, NMR spectra, nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (T1-1)α and the echo-decay rate (T2-1) of 63Cu were measured for the electron-doped infinite-layer superconductor Sr0.93La0.07CuO2/Tconset = 42.4 K). The results obtained revealed a clear tendency toward frustrated phase separation in this nominally underdoped high-Tc material. Above Tc the 63Cu Knight shift is found to decrease upon cooling giving an evidence for a pseudogaplike decrease of the spin susceptibility. It is shown that unusual anisotropy of the 63Cu Knight shift in the electron-doped CuO2 layer can be understood as a "compensation effect" between the Isotropie hyperfine coupling, mediated by the 4s Fermi-contact and 3d core-polarization exchange interactions, and the anisotropic on-site spin-dipolar hyperfine interaction of the Cu nuclei with the itinerant carriers, whose states near the Fermi energy have a sizeable admixture of Cu(4pz) and/or Cu(3dz2) orbitals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)543-554
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes


The authors thank E. Khlybov, I. Kostyleva, and L. Bogacheva for collaboration in sample synthesis, A. Furrer for his fruitful discussions, and B. Goshchitskii for his support of this research. Financial Support by INTAS (project No. 99-0256), RFBR (grant No. 03-02-16673), Special Federal Program of basic researches at Russian Academy of Science “Quantum Macrophysics” (contract No. 25/02) and Russian State Program “Superconductivity” (State contract no. 107-1(00)-P-D01, agreement No. 7/01) is gratefully acknowledged.

FundersFunder number
Russian State Program7/01, 107-1(00)-P-D01
Russian Foundation for Basic Research03-02-16673
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Russian Academy of Sciences25/02
Russian Academy of Sciences


    • Electron-doped high-Tsuperconductors
    • Electronic inhomogeneity
    • NMR
    • Pseudogap


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