Electron polarization in the medium-energy electronion collider at jlab

F. Lin, Ya S. Derbenev, V. S. Morozov, Y. Zhang, D. Barber

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


A key feature of the Medium-energy Electron-Ion Collider (MEIC) at Jefferson Lab ishigh polarization (over 80%) of the electron beam at all collision points for the particlephysics program. The equilibrium electron polarization is arranged to be vertical in thearcs of the figure-8 collider ring of the MEIC and anti-parallel to the arc dipole magneticfields, in order to take advantage of the preservation of polarization by theSokolov-Ternov (S-T) effect. Longitudinal polarization is achieved at collision points byutilizing energy-independent universal spin rotators each of which consists of a set ofsolenoids and dipoles placed at the end of an arc. The equilibrium beam polarization andits lifetime depend on competition between the S-T effect and radiative depolarization. Thelatter must be suppressed by spin matching. This paper reports on investigations ofpolarization in the MEIC electron collider ring and a preliminary estimate of beampolarization from calculations using the code SLICK.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes
Event3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, IPAC 2012 - New Orleans, LA, United States
Duration: May 20 2012May 25 2012

Publication series

NameIPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012


Conference3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, IPAC 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Orleans, LA


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