Electron-phonon coupling in Ni-based binary alloys with application to displacement cascade modeling

G. D. Samolyuk, L. K. Béland, G. M. Stocks, R. E. Stoller

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42 Scopus citations


Energy transfer between lattice atoms and electrons is an important channel of energy dissipation during displacement cascade evolution in irradiated materials. On the assumption of small atomic displacements, the intensity of this transfer is controlled by the strength of electron-phonon (el-ph) coupling. The el-ph coupling in concentrated Ni-based alloys was calculated using electronic structure results obtained within the coherent potential approximation. It was found that Ni0.5Fe0.5, Ni0.5Co0.5 and Ni0.5Pd0.5 are ordered ferromagnetically, whereas Ni0.5Cr0.5 is nonmagnetic. Since the magnetism in these alloys has a Stoner-type origin, the magnetic ordering is accompanied by a decrease of electronic density of states at the Fermi level, which in turn reduces the el-ph coupling. Thus, the el-ph coupling values for all alloys are approximately 50% smaller in the magnetic state than for the same alloy in a nonmagnetic state. As the temperature increases, the calculated coupling initially increases. After passing the Curie temperature, the coupling decreases. The rate of decrease is controlled by the shape of the density of states above the Fermi level. Introducing a two-temperature model based on these parameters in 10 keV molecular dynamics cascade simulation increases defect production by 10-20% in the alloys under consideration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number175501
JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
Issue number17
StatePublished - Apr 1 2016


GDS would like to thank Dr A Caro and A A Correa for useful discussions. This work was supported as part of the Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution (EDDE), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences. LKB acknowledges additional support from a fellowship awarded by the Fonds Quebecois de recherche Nature et Technologies. Authors used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the US Department of Energy.


  • cascades
  • coherent potential approximation
  • density functional theory
  • electron phonon coupling
  • nickel-based binary alloys


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