Electron-lattice coupling and partial nesting as the origin of Fermi arcs in manganites

Juan Salafranca, Gonzalo Alvarez, Elbio Dagotto

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20 Scopus citations


A tight-binding model for eg electrons coupled to Jahn-Teller lattice distortions is studied via Monte Carlo simulations. By focusing on the periodicity of the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortions, and the one-particle spectral function, our results clarify the physical origin of the Fermi-arcs phase observed in layered manganites. In a range of parameters where no broken symmetry phase exists, the nearly nested Fermi surface favors certain correlations between Jahn-Teller distortions. The spectral weight near the Brillouin zone edge is suppressed, leading to the pseudogap in the density of states. We discuss the stability of this phase as a function of temperature and coupling strength for different hole dopings.

Original languageEnglish
Article number155133
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number15
StatePublished - Oct 26 2009


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