Electromagnetic turbulence in increased β plasmas in the Large Plasma Device

G. D. Rossi, T. A. Carter, B. Seo, J. Robertson, M. J. Pueschel, P. W. Terry

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1 Scopus citations


The variation of pressure-gradient-driven turbulence with plasma β (up to β ≈ 15%) is investigated in linear, magnetized plasma. The magnitude of magnetic fluctuations is observed to increase substantially with increasing β. More importantly, parallel magnetic fluctuations are observed to dominate at higher β values, with δB/δB ≈ 2 and δB/B0 ≈ 1%. Parallel magnetic fluctuations are strongly correlated with density fluctuations and the two are observed to be out of phase. The relative magnitude of and cross-phase between density and parallel magnetic field fluctuations are consistent with the dynamic pressure balance (P + B20 /2µ0 = constant). A local slab model theory for electromagnetic, modified drift Alfvén waves, including parallel magnetic fluctuations, shows partial agreement with experimental observations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number905870401
JournalJournal of Plasma Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • plasma instabilities
  • plasma waves


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