EGR cooler deposit analysis

Michael J. Lance, John M.E. Storey, C. Scott Sluder, Brad Watkins, Michele Kaiser, Ayyappan Ponnaiyan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Deposit mass and thickness was generally lowest at the outlet of the coolers due to a lower temperature gradient hence a lower thermophoretic velocity. Deposit mass and thickness was highest on the downstream side of the sine wave for all of the coolers. EGR Temperature - Low EGR temperature combined with High EGR rate produces the most deposit. - High EGR temperature removes most (all) HC on the metal surface which possibly reduces PM adherence. - High EGR temperature produces thermo-chemical effects that correlates with deposit mudcracking. - Metal surface comes into play with high EGR temperature. EGR Rate - High EGR rate is bad because it increases the total PM and HC flowing into the cooler. - However, high EGR rate may be beneficial when combined with high EGR temp by aiding in deposit removal at the inlet. Smoke- High smoke produces PM agglomerates. HC - High HC deposits have a dense HC layer on the metal and an HC gradient in the PM deposit. - In some cases, high HC may densify the deposit and produce mud-cracks though in a different way than high EGR temp.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlobal Powertrain Congress 2011, GPC 2011 Troy, Held with IABC 2011 Troy - Proceedings
Number of pages21
StatePublished - 2011
EventGlobal Powertrain Congress 2011, GPC 2011 Troy, Held with IABC 2011 Troy - Troy, MI, United States
Duration: Nov 9 2011Nov 10 2011

Publication series

NameProceedings of Global Powertrain Congress
ISSN (Print)1543-9666


ConferenceGlobal Powertrain Congress 2011, GPC 2011 Troy, Held with IABC 2011 Troy
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityTroy, MI


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