Effect of ROI size on the performance of an information-theoretic CAD system in mammography: Multi-size fusion analysis

Robert C. Ike, Swatee Singh, Brian Harrawood, Georgia D. Tourassi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Featureless, knowledge-based CAD systems are an attractive alternative to feature-based CAD because they require no to minimal image preprocessing. Such systems compare images directly using the raw image pixel values rather than relying on low-level image features. Specifically, information-theoretic (IT) measures such as mutual information (MI) have been shown to be an effective, featureless, similarity measure for image comparisons. MI captures the statistical relationship between the gray level values of corresponding image pixels. In a CAD system developed at our laboratory, the above concept has been applied for location-specific detection of mammographic masses. The system is designed to operate on a fixed size region of interest (ROI) extracted around a suspicious mammographic location. Since mass sizes vary substantially, there is a potential drawback. When two ROIs are compared, it is unclear how much the parenchymal background contributes in the calculated MI. This uncertainty could deteriorate CAD performance in the extreme cases, namely when a small mass is present in the ROI or when a large mass extends beyond the fixed size ROI. The present study evaluates the effect of ROI size on the overall CAD performance and proposes multisize analysis for possible improvement. Based on two datasets of ROIs extracted from DDSM mammograms, there was a statistically significant decline of the CAD performance as the ROI size increased. The best size ranged between 512×512 and 256×256 pixels. Multisize fusion analysis using a linear model achieved further improvement in CAD performance for both datasets.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMedical Imaging 2008 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
StatePublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes
EventMedical Imaging 2008 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis - San Diego, CA, United States
Duration: Feb 19 2008Feb 21 2008

Publication series

NameProgress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
ISSN (Print)1605-7422


ConferenceMedical Imaging 2008 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego, CA


  • Classification and classifier design
  • Detection
  • Mammography


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