Effect of Kr and Ar on discharge time lag and image retention in AC plasma display panel with high Xe content

Sang Ho Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi, Bhum Jae Shin, Kwang Yeol Choi, Eun Ho Yoo

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The additive gas effect on the discharge time lag of address pulse and the image retention was investigated in AC PDP with Ne+13%Xe gas-mixture. The discharge time lag was improved by adding a small amount Kr gas to Ne+13%Xe gas-mixture up to 2% and thereafter gotten worse. In the case of the addition of Ar gas to the Ne+13%Xe, the discharge time lag of address pulse was not improved. The image retention time was improved in AC PDF with Ne+13%Xe+[Kr or Ar] gas-mixture when the concentration of Ar or Kr was varied from 1 to 5%.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes
EventIDW/AD'05 - 12th International Display Workshops in Conjunction with Asia Display 2005 - Takamatsu, Japan
Duration: Dec 6 2005Dec 9 2005


ConferenceIDW/AD'05 - 12th International Display Workshops in Conjunction with Asia Display 2005


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