Dynamic structure factor of a stiff polymer in a glassy solution

J. Glaser, O. Hallatschek, K. Kroy

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10 Scopus citations


We provide a comprehensive overview of the current theoretical understanding of the dynamic structure factor of stiff polymers in semidilute solution based on the wormlike chain (WLC) model. We extend previous work by computing exact numerical coefficients and an expression for the dynamic mean square displacement (MSD) of a free polymer and compare various common approximations for the hydrodynamic interactions, which need to be treated accurately if one wants to extract quantitative estimates for model parameters from experimental data. A recent controversy about the initial slope of the dynamic structure factor is thereby resolved. To account for the interactions of the polymer with a surrounding (sticky) polymer solution, we analyze an extension of the WLC model, the glassy wormlike chain (GWLC), which predicts near power law and logarithmic long-time tails in the dynamic structure factor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number123
Pages (from-to)123-136
Number of pages14
JournalEuropean Physical Journal E
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - May 2008
Externally publishedYes


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