Driving Ability Evaluation and Rehabilitation for People with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias

Ziming Liu, Jordan Grant, Skylar P. Simpson, Asad Khattak, Joel G. Anderson, Zhiming Gao, Xiaopeng Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Worldwide, it is estimated that around 50 million older adults have Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). Cognitive deficits associated with ADRD may affect a driver's perception and decision-making and potentially cause safety concerns. Despite much research, there lacks a comprehensive cognitive evaluation to determine the driving capability of a person with ADRD and it is unclear what are the most effective training and interventions that help to enhance driving performance for these individuals. The purpose of this article is to conduct a comprehensive literature survey to review and summarize studies of driving performance evaluation and intervention for people with ADRD and discuss perspectives for future studies. Although many studies have investigated the correlations between driving behaviors and cognitive performances for people with ADRD, it remains unclear how driving behaviors and cognitive performances are associated with psychophysiological measures. We discussed the need to develop regular driving evaluation and rehabilitation protocol for people with ADRD. We also highlighted the potential benefit to combine driving tests with psychophysiological measures to assist in characterizing personalized cognitive evaluation in the behavioral evaluation process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)374-381
Number of pages8
JournalAlzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 1 2022


  • Alzheimer's
  • cognitive assessment
  • cognitive training
  • driving fitness
  • driving safety


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