Doped mott insulators in (111) bilayers of perovskite transition-metal oxides with a strong spin-orbit coupling

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The electronic properties of Mott insulators realized in (111) bilayers of perovskite transition-metal oxides are studied. The low-energy effective Hamiltonians for such Mott insulators are derived in the presence of a strong spin-orbit coupling. These models are characterized by the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction and the anisotropic interaction whose form depends on the d orbital occupancy. From exact diagonalization analyses on finite clusters, the ground state phase diagrams are derived, including a Kitaev spin liquid phase in a narrow parameter regime for t2g systems. Slave-boson mean-field analyses indicate the possibility of novel superconducting states induced by carrier doping into the Mott-insulating parent systems, suggesting the present model systems as unique playgrounds for studying correlation-induced novel phenomena. Possible experimental realizations are also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number066403
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number6
StatePublished - Feb 6 2013


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