Domain wall conduction in multiaxial ferroelectrics

Eugene A. Eliseev, Anna N. Morozovska, George S. Svechnikov, Peter Maksymovych, Sergei V. Kalinin

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95 Scopus citations


The conductance of domain wall structures consisting of either stripes or cylindrical domains in multiaxial ferroelectric-semiconductors is analyzed. The effects of the flexoelectric coupling, domain size, wall tilt, and curvature on charge accumulation are analyzed using the Landau-Ginsburg Devonshire theory for polarization vector combined with the Poisson equation for charge distributions. The proximity and size effect of the electron and donor accumulation/depletion by thin stripe domains and cylindrical nanodomains are revealed. In contrast to thick domain stripes and wider cylindrical domains, in which the carrier accumulation (and so the static conductivity) sharply increases at the domain walls only, small nanodomains of radii less than 5-10 correlation lengths appeared conducting across the entire cross-section. Implications of such conductive nanosized channels may be promising for nanoelectronics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045312
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 12 2012


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