Distinguishing s± and s++ electron pairing symmetries by neutron spin resonance in superconducting NaFe 0.935Co0.045As

Chenglin Zhang, H. F. Li, Yu Song, Yixi Su, Guotai Tan, Tucker Netherton, Caleb Redding, Scott V. Carr, Oleg Sobolev, Astrid Schneidewind, Enrico Faulhaber, L. W. Harriger, Shiliang Li, Xingye Lu, Dao Xin Yao, Tanmoy Das, A. V. Balatsky, Th Brückel, J. W. Lynn, Pengcheng Dai

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50 Scopus citations


A determination of the superconducting (SC) electron pairing symmetry forms the basis for establishing a microscopic mechanism for superconductivity. For iron pnictide superconductors, the s±-pairing symmetry theory predicts the presence of a sharp neutron spin resonance at an energy below the sum of hole and electron SC gap energies (E≤2Δ) below Tc. On the other hand, the s++-pairing symmetry expects a broad spin excitation enhancement at an energy above 2Δ below Tc. Although the resonance has been observed in iron pnictide superconductors at an energy below 2Δ consistent with the s±-pairing symmetry, the mode has also been interpreted as arising from the s+ +-pairing symmetry with E≥2Δ due to its broad energy width and the large uncertainty in determining the SC gaps. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to reveal a sharp resonance at E=7 meV in SC NaFe 0.935Co0.045As (Tc=18 K). On warming towards Tc, the mode energy hardly softens while its energy width increases rapidly. By comparing with calculated spin-excitation spectra within the s ± and s++-pairing symmetries, we conclude that the ground-state resonance in NaFe0.935Co 0.045As is only consistent with the s± pairing, and is inconsistent with the s++-pairing symmetry.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064504
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Aug 9 2013
Externally publishedYes


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