Development of visible spectroscopy diagnostics for W sources assessment in WEST

O. Meyer, O. M. Jones, J. C. Giacalone, J. Y. Pascal, D. Raulin, H. Xu, M. H. Aumeunier, R. Baude, A. Escarguel, C. Gil, J. H. Harris, J. C. Hatchressian, C. C. Klepper, S. Larroque, Ph Lotte, Ph Moreau, B. Pégourié, S. Vartanian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


The present work concerns the development of a W sources assessment system in the framework of the tungsten-W environment in steady state tokamak project that aims at equipping the existing Tore Supra device with a tungsten divertor in order to test actively cooled tungsten Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) in view of preparing ITER operation. The goal is to assess W sources and D recycling with spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution adapted to the PFCs observed. The originality of the system is that all optical elements are installed in the vacuum vessel and compatible with steady state operation. Our system is optimized to measure radiance as low as 1016 Ph/(m2 s sr). A total of 240 optical fibers will be deployed to the detection systems such as the "Filterscope," developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) and consisting of photomultiplier tubes and filters, or imaging spectrometers dedicated to Multiview analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number11E309
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 1 2016


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