Development of Recrystallization Texture in Commercially Pure Titanium: Experiments and Simulation

Gyan Shankar, Sreenivas Raguraman, Luis A. Barrales-Mora, S. Suwas

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6 Scopus citations


The recrystallization behaviour of cold-rolled (CR) commercially pure (cp)-titanium was investigated by experiments and simulations. The recrystallization texture in cp-titanium depends upon the deformation texture. The main texture components of the lower deformed (50% CR) material are {1014} < 2131 >, {1013} < 2131 > and{1235} < 2311 >, all having weak intensity, and in the case of 70% cold rolling the texture component is {1013} < 3031 >. For the simulations, a parallel 3D cellular automata (CA) model for recrystallization was employed. The simulation results showed good agreement with the recrystallization kinetics, grain size distribution, microstructure and texture. The mechanism of recrystallization and the evolution of recrystallization texture were found to depend on the site of nucleation, i.e., whether it is formed at grain boundaries, within the grain, in the lath region or in the highly deformed region such as shear bands.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4559-4573
Number of pages15
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2020
Externally publishedYes


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