Development of a two-body wet abrasion test method with attention to the effects of reused abradant

P. J. Blau, R. R. Dehoff

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


A simple test method has been developed to quantify the response of metals and alloys to two-body wet abrasion. A metallographic polishing machine was modified to create a disk-on-flat sliding test rig. Adhesive-backed SiC grinding papers were used under fixed load and speed to rank the abrasive wear of seven alloy steels, some of which are candidates for drill cones for geothermal drilling. Standardized two-body abrasion tests, like those described in ASTM G132, feed unused abrasive into the contact; however, the current work investigated whether useful rankings could still be obtained with a simpler testing configuration in which specimens repeatedly slide on the same wear path under water-lubricated conditions. Tests using abrasive grit sizes of 120 and 180 resulted in the same relative ranking of the alloys although the coarser grit produced more total wear. Wear decreased when the same abrasive disk was re-used for up to five runs, but the relative rankings of the steels remained the same. This procedure was presented to ASTM Committee G2 on Wear and Erosion as a potential standard test for wet two-body abrasive wear.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1035-1039
Number of pages5
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Apr 2013


  • Mineral processing
  • Mining
  • Steel
  • Two-body abrasion
  • Wear testing


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