Development and testing of the VITAMIN-B7/BUGLE-B7 coupled neutron-gamma multigroup cross-section libraries

J. M. Risner, D. Wiarda, T. M. Miller, D. E. Peplow, B. W. Patton, M. E. Dunn, B. T. Parks

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulatory Guide 1.190 states that calculational methods used to estimate reactor pressure vessel (RPV) fluence should use the latest version of the evaluated nuclear data file (ENDF). The VITAMIN-B6 fine-group library and BUGLE-96 broad-group library, which are widely used for RPV fluence calculations, were generated using ENDF/B-VI.3 data, which was the most current data when Regulatory Guide 1.190 was issued. We have developed new fine-group (VITAMIN-B7) and broad-group (BUGLE-B7) libraries based on ENDF/B-VII.0. These new libraries, which were processed using the AMPX code system, maintain the same group structures as the VITAMIN-B6 and BUGLE-96 libraries. Verification and validation of the new libraries were accomplished using diagnostic checks in AMPX, "unit tests" for each element in VITAMIN-B7, and a diverse set of benchmark experiments including critical evaluations for fast and thermal systems, a set of experimental benchmarks that are used for SCALE regression tests, and three RPV fluence benchmarks. The benchmark evaluation results demonstrate that VITAMIN-B7 and BUGLE-B7 are appropriate for use in RPV fluence calculations and meet the calculational uncertainty criterion in Regulatory Guide 1.190.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationReactor Dosimetry
Subtitle of host publication14th International Symposium
PublisherASTM International
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9780803175365
StatePublished - 2012
Event14th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry - Bretton Woods, NH, United States
Duration: May 22 2011May 27 2011

Publication series

NameASTM Special Technical Publication
Volume1550 STP
ISSN (Print)0066-0558


Conference14th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityBretton Woods, NH


  • Light water reactor shielding
  • Multigroup crass sections
  • Reactor pressure vessel fluence


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