Design optimization and the path towards a 2 MW spallation neutron source

J. Wei, M. Blaskiewicz, N. Catalan-Lasheras, D. Davino, A. Fedotov, Y. Y. Lee, N. Malitsky, Y. Papaphilippou, D. Raparia, A. Shishlo, N. Tsoupas, W. Weng, S. Y. Zhang, R. Keller, J. Staples, J. Stovall, J. Billen, S. Kurennoy, S. Nath, H. TakedaL. Young, R. Sundelin, A. Aleksandrov, Y. Cho, P. Chu, S. Cousineau, V. Danilov, M. Doleans, J. Galambos, L. Holmes, N. Holtkamp, S. Kim, R. Kustom, D. Jeon, E. Tanke, W. Wan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The design optimization of Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) to achieve a average proton beam power of 2 MW for pulsed neutron production was discussed. The electron production was minimized by using a pair of tapered magnets for electron collection near injection foil. The SNS physics groups analyzed the machine performance within the hardware constraints and optimized the accelerator design.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes
Event2001 Particle Accelerator Conference - Chicago, IL, United States
Duration: Jun 18 2001Jun 22 2001


Conference2001 Particle Accelerator Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityChicago, IL


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