Dependence of the L- to H-mode power threshold on toroidal rotation and the link to edge turbulence dynamics

G. R. McKee, P. Gohil, D. J. Schlossberg, J. A. Boedo, K. H. Burrell, J. S. Degrassie, R. J. Groebner, R. A. Moyer, C. C. Petty, T. L. Rhodes, L. Schmitz, M. W. Shafer, W. M. Solomon, M. Umansky, G. Wang, A. E. White, X. Xu

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The injected power required to induce a transition from L-mode to H-mode plasmas is found to depend strongly on the injected neutral beam torque and consequent plasma toroidal rotation. Edge turbulence and flows, measured near the outboard midplane of the plasma (0.85 < r/a < 1.0) on DIII-D with the high-sensitivity 2D beam emission spectroscopy (BES) system, likewise vary with rotation and suggest a causative connection. The L-H power threshold in plasmas with the ion ∇B drift directed away from the X-point decreases from 4-6 MW with co-current beam injection, to 2-3 MW near zero net injected torque and to <2 MW with counter-injection in the discharges examined. Plasmas with the ion ∇B drift directed towards the X-point exhibit a qualitatively similar though less pronounced power threshold dependence on rotation. 2D edge turbulence measurements with BES show an increasing poloidal flow shear as the L-H transition is approached in all conditions. As toroidal rotation is varied from co-current to balanced in L-mode plasmas, the edge turbulence changes from a uni-modal character to a bi-modal structure, with the appearance of a low-frequency (f = 10-50 kHz) mode propagating in the electron diamagnetic direction, similar to what is observed as the ion ∇B drift is directed towards the X-point in co-rotating plasmas. At low rotation, the poloidal turbulence flow near the edge reverses prior to the L-H transition, generating a significant poloidal flow shear that exceeds the measured turbulence decorrelation rate. This increased poloidal turbulence velocity shear appears to facilitate the L-H transition. No such reversal is observed in high rotation plasmas. The high-frequency poloidal turbulence velocity spectrum exhibits a transition from a geodesic acoustic mode zonal flow to a higher-power, lower frequency zero-mean-frequency zonal flow as rotation varies from co-current to balanced during a torque scan at constant injected neutral beam power, perhaps also facilitating the L-H transition. This reduced power threshold at lower toroidal rotation may benefit inherently low-rotation plasmas such as ITER.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115016
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


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