Dependence of intermediate mass fragment production on the reaction mechanism in light heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energy

Y. Larochelle, L. Beaulieu, G. Anctil, B. Djerroud, D. Doré, R. Laforest, J. Pouliot, R. Roy, M. Samri, C. St-Pierre, G. C. Ball, D. R. Bowman, A. Galindo-Uribarri, E. Hagberg, D. Horn, D. Guinet, P. Lautesse

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19 Scopus citations


The same hot nuclear system (ΣZ = 18) has been studied for two different entrance channels with reaction products detected in a forward array of scintillators: central collisions of 24Mg on a 12C target at 25A and 35A MeV and peripheral pickup reactions of 35Cl on a 197Au target at 43A MeV. The detection-efficiency-corrected charge distributions, multiplicity of charged particles and cross sections as a function of excitation energy are compared. The reaction mechanism is investigated, through comparison to simulations with statistical observables. The central reaction 24Mg+ 12C at 35A MeV is well characterized by a dissipative binary collision scenario. Data at 25A MeV show less evidence of such dynamical characteristics. The intermediate-mass fragments (3≤Z≤8) production for each reaction is compared to model calculations for different values of excitation energy. The systems formed in the central collision at 25A MeV and the pickup reaction at 43A MeV show similar source characteristics, both statistically and in momentum space. However, the yields of the various exit channels, from evaporation and/or fission to multifragmentation and vaporization, differ for the two reactions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)823-837
Number of pages15
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1996


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