Dependence of high-Z redeposition on the field-to-surface pitch angle and other sheath parameters in tokamaks

D. C. Easley, A. Diaw, T. R. Younkin, D. C. Donovan, E. A. Unterberg, J. H. Nichols, C. A. Johnson, A. Kumar

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Accurately predicting redeposition is vital for high-Z plasma-facing component (PFC) survivability in magnetic confinement fusion. In this study, we categorize high-Z redeposition into three mechanisms: geometric-driven (prompt), sheath-driven (local), and scrape-off-layer-driven (far) redeposition. To investigate these mechanisms, we employ Monte Carlo transport codes to simulate azimuthally symmetric tungsten source erosion and redeposition in a tokamak. By iteratively analyzing critical parameters, we evaluate redeposition scaling for each mechanism. Specifically, we investigate the impact of magnetic-field-to-PFC pitch angle assumptions on PFC losses into the scrape-off layer. Our findings reveal significant pitch angle sensitivity due to an asymmetric prompt vs local redeposition trade-off. These results enhance our understanding of redeposition phenomena in fusion plasma environments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number052503
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2024


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