Deformation Behavior in Neutron Irradiated Generation II FeCrAl Alloys for Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding

Kevin G. Field, Dalong Zhang, Maxim N. Gussev, Kurt R. Smith, Ken Littrell

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Preliminary work has been completed to evaluate the deformation behavior of the Generation II FeCrAl alloy class. The Generation II alloy, C35M, was neutron irradiated within the High Flux Isotop e Reactor followed by post-irradiation examination to evaluate the mechanical properties, irradiated microstructure, deformation modes, and deformation microstructure. Complementary characterization techniques were used in this evaluation. It was found tha t aft er irradiation to1.8 dpa at 364 °C that the C35M specimen failed in a ductile manner. The observed deformation microstructure showed a high density of line dislocations, dislocation networks, and dislocation pile-ups. The observed performance and stru cture s are consistent with literature studies on high-Cr FeCr alloys that were thermally aged at 500°C. The observed results suggest that Generation II FeCrAl alloys retain ductility under low-dose, prototypical LWR irradiation conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2017




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