Data-Driven and Precursor-Group Uncertainty Propagation of Lattice Kinetic Parameters in UAM Benchmark

Majdi I. Radaideh, Tomasz Kozlowski, William A. Wieselquist, Matthew A. Jessee

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4 Scopus citations


A new data-driven sampling-based framework was developed for uncertainty quantification (UQ) of the homogenized kinetic parameters calculated by lattice physics codes such as TRITON and Polaris. In this study, extension of the database for the delayed neutron data (DND) is performed by exploring more delayed neutron experiments and adding additional isotopes/actinides to the data libraries. Afterwards, the framework is utilized to obtain a deeper knowledge of the kinetic parameters' sensitivity and uncertainty. The kinetic parameters include precursor-group-wise delayed neutron fraction (DNF) and decay constant. Input uncertainties include nuclear data (i.e., cross-sections) and DND (i.e., precursor group parameters and fractional delayed neutron yield). It is found that kinetic parameters, especially DNFs, have large uncertainties. The DNF uncertainty is driven by the cross-section uncertainties for LWR designs, while decay constant uncertainty is dominated by the DND uncertainties. The usage of correlated U-235 thermal DND in the UQ process significantly reduces the DND uncertainty contribution on the kinetic parameters. Large void fraction and presence of neutron absorber (e.g., control rod) increase the DNF uncertainty due to the hardening of neutron spectrum. High correlation between the DNF groups (β1,.,β6) is observed, while the decay constant groups (1,.,6) show weak correlation to each other and also to DNF groups. The DNF uncertainties of the dominant precursor group 4 for PWR, BWR, and VVER are about 7.5%, 9.4%, and 7.6%, respectively. The DNF uncertainty grows to larger values after fuel burnup. Kinetic parameters' values and uncertainties provided here can be efficiently used in subsequent core calculations, point reactor kinetics, and other applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3702014
JournalScience and Technology of Nuclear Installations
StatePublished - 2019


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