Creep and Creep Rupture of an Advanced Silicon Nitride Ceramic

Jow‐Lian ‐L Ding, Kenneth C. Liu, Karren L. More, C. R. Brinkman

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53 Scopus citations


Creep and creep rupture behavior of an advanced silicon nitride ceramic were systematically characterized in the temperature range 1150° to 1300°C using uniaxial tensile creep tests. Absence of tertiary creep and the order‐of‐magnitude breaks in both creep rate and rupture lifetime at certain threshold combinations of stress and temperature were two characteristic features of the creep behavior observed. Thermal annealing was found to have enhanced both subsequent creep resistance and creep rupture life. The stress exponent n and the activation energy Q defined in the Norton relation were found to be 12.6 and 1645 kJ/mol for the material investigated. Both values appear to fall in the general range of those reported for other but similar types of Si3N4 ceramic materials. The stress exponent, m, equivalent to the slope of the Larson–Miller equation was found to be in the range 13 to 14.4, and that defined as p in the Monkman–Grant relation to be 0.91, based on the available experimental data. The values of m, n, and p obtained above approximately support the interrelationship of the three exponents given by p=m/n.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)867-874
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of the American Ceramic Society
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1994


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