CRADA/NFE-15-05779 Report: Fabrication of Large Area Printable Composite Magnets

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


    The technical objective of this technical collaboration phase I proposal was to fabricate large area NdFeB composite magnets at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (ORNL MDF). The goal was to distribute domestically produced isotropic and highly anisotropic high energy density magnetic particles throughout the composite structure in order to enable site specific placement of magnetic phases and minimize the generated waste associated with permanent magnet manufacturing. Big area additive manufacturing (BAAM) and magnet composite fabrication methods were used in this study. BAAM was used to fabricate 65 vol % isotropic MQP NdFeB magnets in nylon polymer matrix. BAAM magnet cylinder was sliced to two magnetic arc-shaped braces. The density of the small BAAM magnet pieces reached 4.1 g/cm3, and the room temperature magnetic properties are: Intrinsic coercivity Hci = 8.8 kOe, Remanence Br = 4.2 kG, and energy product (BH)max = 3.7 MGOe. Also, 1.5” x 1.5” composite magnets with anisotropic MQA NdFeB magnet in a resin were also fabricated under magnetic field. The unaligned sample had a density of 3.75 g/cm3. However, aligned sample possessed a density of 4.27 g/cm3. The magnetic properties didn’t degrade during this process. This study provides a pathway for preparing composite magnets for various magnetic applications.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUnited States
    StatePublished - 2016




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