Coupling continuum dislocation transport with crystal plasticity for application to shock loading conditions

D. J. Luscher, J. R. Mayeur, H. M. Mourad, A. Hunter, M. A. Kenamond

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74 Scopus citations


We have developed a multi-physics modeling approach that couples continuum dislocation transport, nonlinear thermoelasticity, crystal plasticity, and consistent internal stress and deformation fields to simulate the single-crystal response of materials under extreme dynamic conditions. Dislocation transport is modeled by enforcing dislocation conservation at a slip-system level through the solution of advection-diffusion equations. Nonlinear thermoelasticity provides a thermodynamically consistent equation of state to relate stress (including pressure), temperature, energy densities, and dissipation. Crystal plasticity is coupled to dislocation transport via Orowan's expression where the constitutive description makes use of recent advances in dislocation velocity theories applicable under extreme loading conditions. The configuration of geometrically necessary dislocation density gives rise to an internal stress field that can either inhibit or accentuate the flow of dislocations. An internal strain field associated with the internal stress field contributes to the kinematic decomposition of the overall deformation. The paper describes each theoretical component of the framework, key aspects of the constitutive theory, and some details of a one-dimensional implementation. Results from single-crystal copper plate impact simulations are discussed in order to highlight the role of dislocation transport and pile-up in shock loading regimes. The main conclusions of the paper reinforce the utility of the modeling approach to shock problems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-129
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal of Plasticity
StatePublished - Jan 1 2016
Externally publishedYes


Insightful comments made by the reviewers were helpful in improving the communication of this work. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 through the LANL Laboratory Directed Research Development Program (LDRD) and, in particular, funding for the exploratory research project (LDRD-ER-140645) on modeling Materials for the Future.


  • A. Dislocations
  • A. Dynamics
  • A. Shock waves
  • B. Crystal plasticity


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