Cost Comparison for Emerging Technologies to Haul Round Bales for the Biorefinery Industry

John S. Cundiff, Robert D. Grisso, Erin G. Webb

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Between 20 and 30% of the feedstock delivered cost is the highway hauling. In order to achieve maximum truck productivity, and thus minimize hauling cost, the hauling technology needs to provide for rapid loading and unloading. Three prototype technologies have been proposed to address the hauling issue. The first was developed by Stinger to secure a load of large rectangular bales, and it is identified as the Advanced Load Securing System (ALSS). For this study, the ALSS technology is applied on two trailers hooked in tandem (ALSS-2) loaded with 20 bales each. The second technology (Cable), is a cable system for securing a load of bales (round or rectangular) on a standard flatbed trailer. With the third technology (Rack), bales are loaded into a 20-bale rack at an SSL, and this rack is unloaded as a unit at the biorefinery. Bales remain in the rack until processed, thus avoiding single-bale handling at the receiving facility. A cost comparison, which begins with bales in single-layer ambient storage in SSLs and ends with bales in single file on a conveyor into the biorefinery, was done for the three hauling technologies paired with three load-out technologies. Cost for the nine options ranged from 48.56 USD/Mg (11 load-outs, Cable hauling) to 34.90 USD/Mg (8 loads-outs, ALSS-2 hauling). The most significant cost issue was the reduction in truck cost; 25.54 USD/Mg (20 trucks, Cable) and 15.15 USD/Mg (10 trucks, Rack).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1549-1567
Number of pages19
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 2024


  • biomass logistics
  • highway hauling
  • round bale
  • truck productivity


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