Correlation of anisotropy and directional conduction in β-Li3PS4 fast Li+ conductor

Yan Chen, Lu Cai, Zengcai Liu, Clarina R. Dela Cruz, Chengdu Liang, Ke An

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


This letter reports the correlation of anisotropy and directional conduction in the fast Li+ conductor β-Li3PS4, one of the low-symmetry crystalline electrolyte candidates. The material has both high conductivity and good stability that serves well for the large-scale energy storage applications of all-solid-state lithium ion batteries. The anisotropic physical properties, demonstrated here by the thermal expansion coefficients, are crucial for compatibility in the solid-state system and battery performance. Neutron and X-ray powder diffraction measurements were done to determine the crystal structure and thermal stability. The crystallographic b-axis was revealed as a fast expansion direction, while negligible thermal expansion was observed along the a-axis around the battery operating temperatures. The anisotropic behavior has its structural origin from the Li+ conduction channels with incomplete Li occupancy and a flexible connection of LiS4 and PS4 tetrahedra within the framework. This indicates a strong correlation in the direction of the ionic transport in the low-symmetry Li+ conductor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number013904
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 6 2015


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