Controlled Gas Exfoliation of Boron Nitride into Few-Layered Nanosheets

Wenshuai Zhu, Xiang Gao, Qian Li, Hongping Li, Yanhong Chao, Meijun Li, Shannon M. Mahurin, Huaming Li, Huiyuan Zhu, Sheng Dai

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293 Scopus citations


The controlled exfoliation of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) into single- or few-layered nanosheets remains a grand challenge and becomes the bottleneck to essential studies and applications of h-BN. Here, we present an efficient strategy for the scalable synthesis of few-layered h-BN nanosheets (BNNS) using a novel gas exfoliation of bulk h-BN in liquid N2(L-N2). The essence of this strategy lies in the combination of a high temperature triggered expansion of bulk h-BN and the cryogenic L-N2gasification to exfoliate the h-BN. The produced BNNS after ten cycles (BNNS-10) consisted primarily of fewer than five atomic layers with a high mass yield of 16–20 %. N2sorption and desorption isotherms show that the BNNS-10 exhibited a much higher specific surface area of 278 m2g−1than that of bulk BN (10 m2g−1). Through the investigation of the exfoliated intermediates combined with a theoretical calculation, we found that the huge temperature variation initiates the expansion and curling of the bulk h-BN. Subseqently, the L-N2penetrates into the interlayers of h-BN along the curling edge, followed by an immediate drastic gasification of L-N2, further peeling off h-BN. This novel gas exfoliation of high surface area BNNS not only opens up potential opportunities for wide applications, but also can be extended to produce other layered materials in high yields.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10766-10770
Number of pages5
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number36
StatePublished - Aug 26 2016


W.S.Z., H.Y.Z., and S.D. conceived the idea. W.S.Z. exfoliated and characterized BN. X.G. carried out STEM and EELS. Q.L. performed AFM. H.P.L., Y.H.C. and H.M.L. provided theoretical calculation and discussion. M.J.L. and S.M. performed TEM and Raman. W.S.Z. and H.Y.Z. wrote the paper. Y.H.C., H.M.L. and S.D. discussed the results and participated in the preparation of the paper. W.S.Z. and Y.H.C. appreciates the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 21376111, 21576122, and 21506083) and Six Big Talent Peak in Jiangsu province (JNHB-004). S.D. and S.M. were supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division. H.Z. was supported by Liane B. Russell Fellowship sponsored by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the US Department of Energy. We are grateful to Dr. Chenghao Wu for his help on XANES and XPS characterizations, and Dr. Yunchao Li for his help on SEM characterization.


  • boron nitride
  • exfoliation
  • liquid nitrogen
  • nanosheets
  • thermal expansion


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