Continuous fiber malleable thermoset composites with sub-1-minute dwell times; validation of impact performance and evaluation of the efficacy of the compression forming process. CRADA Final Report

Robert E. Norris, Jr., Michael Larche, Bo Song, Donald L. Erdman III, Fue Xiong, Philip Taynton, Lisa Fring, Matthew Prowant, Michael Hughes, Leo Fifield

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Mallinda is developing polyimine malleable thermoset prepreg composite materials which have excellent mechanical properties (100 GPa tensile modulus, 2 GPA tensile strength, 2.4% elongation at break) and high operating temperatures (Tg>200°C). At scale, polyimine resins are commensurate in price with commodity epoxy resins. What distinguishes malleable thermoset prepreg from traditional thermoset prepreg materials, is that they are fully cured during Mallinda’s roll-to-roll production of prepreg laminate. This results in 5 key value-differentiating benefits. First, it simplifies manufacturing logistics by enabling ambient transportation and storage, and by significantly extending out-life and shelf-life almost indefinitely. Second, elimination of autoclave curing reduces the economic and energy costs to the customer. Third, scrap rates can be reduced as malleable thermoset prepreg materials are directly reusable. Fourth, the manufacturing consolidation step can be roughly 10x faster than traditional thermosets, because the resin is already cured. Parts can be made via compression forming by the application of heat and pressure to quickly vitrify and consolidate a multilayer part – easily leading to sub 3-minute cycle times (at lab scale we have demonstrated a 20 second dwell time, with room for further optimization). Finally, the closed-loop cradle-to-cradle solution-based recyclability of malleable thermoset composites can also contribute significantly to the future of sustainable lightweight materials. The focus of this project was the development, optimization and validation of malleable thermoset composite materials which exhibit manufacturing cycle times of 3-minute or less, high speed impact performance on par with incumbent technologies, and defect-free consolidation of 3 dimensional parts.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2022




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