Compression of curium pyrrolidine-dithiocarbamate enhances covalency

Joseph M. Sperling, Evan J. Warzecha, Cristian Celis-Barros, Dumitru Claudiu Sergentu, Xiaoyu Wang, Bonnie E. Klamm, Cory J. Windorff, Alyssa N. Gaiser, Frankie D. White, Drake A. Beery, Alexander T. Chemey, Megan A. Whitefoot, Brian N. Long, Kenneth Hanson, Paul Kögerler, Manfred Speldrich, Eva Zurek, Jochen Autschbach, Thomas E. Albrecht-Schönzart

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


Curium is unique in the actinide series because its half-filled 5f 7 shell has lower energy than other 5f n configurations, rendering it both redox-inactive and resistant to forming chemical bonds that engage the 5f shell1–3. This is even more pronounced in gadolinium, curium’s lanthanide analogue, owing to the contraction of the 4f orbitals with respect to the 5f orbitals4. However, at high pressures metallic curium undergoes a transition from localized to itinerant 5f electrons5. This transition is accompanied by a crystal structure dictated by the magnetic interactions between curium atoms5,6. Therefore, the question arises of whether the frontier metal orbitals in curium(iii)–ligand interactions can also be modified by applying pressure, and thus be induced to form metal–ligand bonds with a degree of covalency. Here we report experimental and computational evidence for changes in the relative roles of the 5f/6d orbitals in curium–sulfur bonds in [Cm(pydtc)4] (pydtc, pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate) at high pressures (up to 11 gigapascals). We compare these results to the spectra of [Nd(pydtc)4] and of a Cm(iii) mellitate that possesses only curium–oxygen bonds. Compared with the changes observed in the [Cm(pydtc)4] spectra, we observe smaller changes in the f–f transitions in the [Nd(pydtc)4] absorption spectrum and in the f–f emission spectrum of the Cm(iii) mellitate upon pressurization, which are related to the smaller perturbation of the nature of their bonds. These results reveal that the metal orbital contributions to the curium–sulfur bonds are considerably enhanced at high pressures and that the 5f orbital involvement doubles between 0 and 11 gigapascal. Our work implies that covalency in actinides is complex even when dealing with the same ion, but it could guide the selection of ligands to study the effect of pressure on actinide compounds.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)396-399
Number of pages4
Issue number7816
StatePublished - Jul 16 2020
Externally publishedYes


Acknowledgements All experimental studies and the high-pressure molecular geometry and electronic structure calculations were supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Heavy Elements Chemistry Program under award numbers DE-FG02-13ER16414 (T.E.A.-S.) and DE-SC0001136 (J.A.). Theoretical studies after high-pressure evaluation were supported by the US Department of Energy through the Center for Actinide Science and Technology (CAST) funded by the Energy Frontiers Research Program under award number DE-SC0016568. We are grateful for the assistance and supervision of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at Florida State University, specifically J. A. Johnson and A. L. Gray of the Office of Radiation Safety for their facilitation of these studies. D.-C.S., X.W., E.Z. and J.A. thank the Center for Computational Research (CCR) at the University at Buffalo for providing computational resources. E.Z. acknowledges the NSF (DMR-1827815) for financial support.

FundersFunder number
Center for Actinide Science and Technology
Energy Frontiers Research ProgramDE-SC0016568
Heavy Elements Chemistry ProgramDE-FG02-13ER16414
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
US Department of Energy
National Science FoundationDMR-1827815
Office of Science


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