Compatibility of lithium plasma-facing surfaces with high edge temperatures in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment

R. Majeski, R. E. Bell, D. P. Boyle, R. Kaita, T. Kozub, B. P. LeBlanc, M. Lucia, R. Maingi, E. Merino, Y. Raitses, J. C. Schmitt, J. P. Allain, F. Bedoya, J. Bialek, T. M. Biewer, J. M. Canik, L. Buzi, B. E. Koel, M. I. Patino, A. M. CapeceC. Hansen, T. Jarboe, S. Kubota, W. A. Peebles, K. Tritz

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32 Scopus citations


High edge electron temperatures (200 eV or greater) have been measured at the wall-limited plasma boundary in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment (LTX). Flat electron temperature profiles are a long-predicted consequence of low recycling boundary conditions. Plasma density in the outer scrape-off layer is very low, 2-3 × 1017m−3, consistent with a low recycling metallic lithium boundary. Despite the high edge temperature, the core impurity content is low. Zeff is estimated to be ∼1.2, with a very modest contribution (<0.1) from lithium. Experiments are transient. Gas puffing is used to increase the plasma density. After gas injection stops, the discharge density is allowed to drop, and the edge is pumped by the low recycling lithium wall. An upgrade to LTX-LTX-β, which includes a 35A, 20 kV neutral beam injector (on loan to LTX from Tri-Alpha Energy) to provide core fueling to maintain constant density, as well as auxiliary heating, is underway. LTX-β is briefly described.

Original languageEnglish
Article number056110
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2017


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