Compatibility of geobarometers in the system CaO-FeO-Al203 SiO2-TiO2 (CFAST): implications for garnet mixing models.

L. M. Anovitz, E. J. Essene

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40 Scopus citations


In the system CaO-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2 several barometers have been experimentally calibrated. These include: Alm + 3 Ru = 3Jlm + Sil + Qtz (GRAIL), 2Alm + Gr + 6 Ru = 6Ilm + 3 An + 3 Qtz (GRIPS), 2 Alm + Gr = 3 Fa + 3 An(FAG), 3 An = Gr + 2 Ky + Qtz (GASP), 2 Fs = Fa + Qtz(FFQ), and Gr + Qtz = An + 2 Wo (WAGS). Because GRIPS, GRAIL, and GSAP form a linearly dependent set, they provide a stringent test for the accuracy of A/X models for grossular/almandine solid-solutions. The Ganguly and Saxena garnet solution model yields a calculated position for GASP 2 kb above a best-fit to the available experimental reversals. Using these reactions to constrain mixing parameters for grossular/almandine garnets (on a Ca + Fe+2 = 1 cation basis) yields WH(CaFe) = 6240J, WH(FeCa) = 23800J, and WS(CaFe) = WS(Fe Ca) = 11.4J/K 'Model 1), or WH(CaFe) = 628J, WH(FeCa) = 17080J (Model 2) using the measured pyrope/grossular value for WS(6.276J/K). GRIPS can be further checked by adding Fa + 2 Ru = 2Ilm + SiO2 (FRIS) to FAG. Available thermodynamic data do not yield GRIPS in good agreement with available experiments, and a revised value for the Gibbs energy of fayalite has been calculated. These calculations yield the following values of /Go 298 (elm) for almandine, fayalite, ferrosilite, grossular, and anorthie: -4940.8, -1377.1, -1116.2, -6282.3, and -4010.9kJ/mol respectively.-Authors

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)633-645
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Geology
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1987
Externally publishedYes


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