Compatibility issues for a high temperature dual coolant blanket

B. A. Pint

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


One proposed U.S. test blanket module (TBM) for ITER uses ferritic-martensitic alloys with both eutectic Pb-Li and He coolants at ∼475°C. In order for this blanket concept to operate at higher temperatures (∼750°C) for a DEMO-type reactor, several Pb-Li compatibility issues need to be addressed. A SiC/SiC composite flow channel insert is proposed to reduce the steel dissolution rate (and the magnetohydrodynamic pressure drop). Prior capsule testing examined dense, high-purity SiC in Pb-Li at 800°-1200°C and found detectable levels of Si in the Pb-Li after 2,000h at 1100°C and 1,000h at 1200°C. Current capsule experiments are examining several different SiC/SiC composite materials at 1000°C. Another issue involves Pb-Li transport between the first wall and heat exchanger. Aluminide coatings on type 316 stainless steel and Al-containing alloys capable of forming an external alumina scale have been studied in capsule experiments at 700° and 800°C for 1,000h. Model aluminide coatings made by chemical vapor deposition reduced the dissolution rate for 316SS at 800°C by a factor of 50.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)829-833
Number of pages5
JournalFusion Science and Technology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Nov 2007


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