Chloride-bridged, defect-dicubane {Ln4} core clusters: Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties

Daniel M. Pajerowski, Quan Li, Jason Hyun, Cindi L. Dennis, Daniel Phelan, Pengfei Yan, Peng Chen, Guangming Li

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12 Scopus citations


Three chloride-bridged lanthanide compounds, [Ln4Cl 6(CH3OH)12(OH)2] ·4Cl·2CH3OH [Ln = Gd (1), Dy (2) and Er (3)], have been unexpectedly isolated by the reactions of LnCl3·6H 2O and N,N′-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-(phenylene-diamine) (H 2L). X-ray crystallographic analysis reveals a triclinic cell with a unique defect-dicubane {Ln4} core and the structure across this series is nominally isomorphic. Measurements of direct current magnetic susceptibility and isothermal magnetization give insight into the relevant cluster Hamiltonians for 1, 2, and 3, and alternating current susceptibility shows slow relaxation in 2, but not in 1 or 3 down to 2 K and up to 1 kHz. This journal is

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11973-11980
Number of pages8
JournalDalton Transactions
Issue number31
StatePublished - Aug 21 2014
Externally publishedYes


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