Characterization of the radial microstructural evolution in LWR UO2 using electron backscatter diffraction

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Studies on high burnup UO2 subjected to loss-of-coolant accident conditions have shown that restructured regions of the fuel are susceptible to pulverization and eventual dispersal. Due to a lack of pre-test characterization, the distinct microstructural features rendering the fuel prone to fragmentation remain ambiguous. Four samples of commercially irradiated light-water reactor UO2 have been characterized utilizing electron backscatter diffraction to assess the susceptible microstructure. The microscopy focused on determining the burnup and temperature conditions responsible for the formation of the different microstructural regions where the regions were denoted as the high-burnup structure (HBS), HBS transition, mid-radial, restructured central, and central region. Previous works have outlined the specific conditions required for the restructuring of the microstructure into the HBS, but the conditions responsible for the restructuring in the central region of the fuel are not well understood. The four analyzed samples confirm a burnup threshold of 61 GWd/tU, and an unknown temperature range is needed to facilitate the formation of the restructured central region. Additional fuel performance evaluations are needed to quantify the temperature range promoting restructuring in the central region.

Original languageEnglish
Article number154605
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
StatePublished - Nov 2023


The authors are grateful to those involved in the preparation of the specimens examined in this work including Z. Burns and T. Jordan. The authors would also like to thank P. Doyle and C. Massey for their technical reviews of the manuscript prior to submission. This work was funded by the Advanced Fuels Campaign, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy.

FundersFunder number
Nuclear Energy
U.S. Department of Energy


    • FFRD
    • High burnup
    • Microstructure evolution
    • Pulverization


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